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August 2020 Newsletter

August feels like a confluence of two opposing forces. It is both National Wellness Awareness & Back to School Month.  One focuses on self-care, creating healthy routines and decreasing stress, while the other brings up emotions that vacillate between excitement and dread.  This dichotomy truly epitomizes the struggle our community has been dealing with for two years.  We move between fear and hope, anger and healing, devastation and pride. Now our world has shifted again.  COVID-19 changed how our children engage in learning at school.  It has brought up its own grief of cancelled graduations, staying home and innumerable loss of cherished summer traditions.   We have had to rediscover our safe spaces all over again. On February 15, 2018, Professionals United for Parkland was born from the need to serve the community by mitigating traumatized reactions. In other words, we built and mobilized a team of dedicated trauma specialists who worked tirelessly to allow the children, teens and adults in our community share their stories before those experiences became toxic and overwhelming.  We reached so many, but we know how many more needed help.  We brought in national presenters to share how best to help our community heal.  Many had been touched by violence in their worlds too.  It was comforting to know that our experience was shared by others.  Back to School in Parkland has been synonymous with an increase in anxiety, worry and stress in our community.  This month, we can shift our focus into building a life of Wellness.  Gearing up for Wellness means adding to a self-care routine with healthier eating, time in nature and exercise.   In addition to Taco Tuesday, let’s add to our weekly schedule.  As a family reimagine your week. It might look like Meditation Monday, Beach Time Tuesday, Workout Wednesday, Throwback Games Thursday and Funny Dance Contest Friday. With back to school time made even more difficult because of COVID, we know the need for support and services continues.  So this August, let us all turn our focus to building wellness activities into our lives.  Follow Professionals United for Parkland on Facebook & Instagram to see more wellness activities posted throughout the month. The journey to wellness starts today!

Please continue to check our Facebook page for updates and let us know if you have any questions. If you would like to join our therapist directory, apply here. We look forward to continuing to serve our community with you.


Honoring the 17

The Scott J. Beigel Memorial Fund was founded by his mother, Linda Beigel Schulman. Scott worked as a counselor at Camp Starlight in Pennsylvania and, in his honor, she founded the Scott J. Beigel Memorial Fund to send underprivileged children touched by gun violence to summer sleep-away camp. Last summer, the fund was able to send 54 children to three different camps in New York State. From the website: “Scott Beigel wasn’t a hero because he opened the door to his classroom at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School that day. He was a hero because he opened doors every day.” - ESPN MAGAZINE Donations in Beigel’s memory may be made to The fund sends underprivileged children who have been impacted by gun violence to summer camp. For more information, visit the website


PU4P  Updates Interested in joining our trauma trained therapists (licensed only) - please take a few moments of your time and join the PU4P referral directory. The  MSD community will need services for the long run.  PU4P links those in need with a vetted list of trauma therapists. We ask for a commitment of 2 pro-bono clients a year. For more information or questions, please contact Please support PU4P by designating it as your charity with The AmazonSmile Foundation. They will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible purchases. Don't forget to check our Facebook page for the most current events, updates, and information about PU4P!  Thank you for your support of PU4P and your dedication to the Parkland community.

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