November is a month when gratitude and thankfulness fill the air in conversation and, for many, in practice. The experience for grievers and trauma survivors is unique to the individual. For some, gratitude for life and support may be more easily accessible while for others it can be more of a challenge to feel connected to the concept of gratitude. Research indicates that engaging in the processing of the dark emotions (guilt, sadness, anger) while also maintaining or creating an effective support system, which may include a support group, therapy, family, and/or friends, helps to create space to find something to be grateful for to those most challenged. Gratitude is not meant to minimize the experience of trauma or to help someone "get over it" by looking on the bright side, rather, working towards a mindset of seeking gratitude helps support a person through those dark emotions and the tasks of their traumatic grief by reminding them that there is hope - the light alongside their darkness. Many people who have experienced trauma and grief will say that remembering, engaging in traditions, and forming new memories is bittersweet, that moments of joy are coupled with sadness and/or pain. By helping to validate the experience that bitter and sweet, or loss and gratitude, can co-exist, and often do for trauma and grief survivors, the work towards a new normal begins. PU4P is immensely grateful to all of you - the therapists and practitioners supporting the Parkland community and throughout Broward County and our supporters. Thank you for the incredible work you do and for helping PU4P to continue educating, supporting, and engaging in the community.
Program Spotlight The Luke Hoyer Athletic Fund
The Luke Hoyer Athletic Fund was created in memory of Luke Hoyer and his love of sports. From the Fund site: "A fan of all sports, especially basketball and football, this fund allows his sweet, giving spirit to live on, helping children in times of need. The memory of Luke will live on in the smile of each child we help through this special fund." To learn more, please visit The Luke Hoyer Athletic Fund site.
PU4P Updates Therapists and Mental Health Practitioners - want to be included in our resource list? We can only provide the community with your information after you have completed our vetting process. Please make sure to submit your vetting documents to us or request what we need by contacting PU4P at
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