This August, Professionals United for Parkland recognizes National Wellness Month.
When you think of wellness what comes to mind? Do you think of yoga, going on a hike, paddle boarding, meeting your daily, weekly, or monthly fitness goals? Many individuals use “health” & “wellness” interchangeably.
The National Wellness Institute has defined wellness as “an active process through which people become aware of, & make choices toward, a more successful existence.”
Dr. Bill Hettler, the co-founder of the National Wellness Institute, developed The Six Dimensions of Wellness Model.
According to the model, the six dimensions are interconnected & contribute to healthier living.
1. Occupational: having a job that feels rewarding or brings satisfaction
2. Physical: being intentional & mindful of proper nutrition & exercise
3. Social: building & sustaining healthy interpersonal relationships
4. Intellectual: developing healthy problem-solving skills or participating in activities that foster continued growth & understanding
5. Spiritual: living a life that is consistent with your core values & beliefs
6. Emotional: embracing your emotions & feelings can be viewed as positive & affirming contributors to one’s overall wellness.
Self-care is key. In recognition of National Wellness Month & the promotion of healthier living, become an active participant in the ongoing process while being kind to yourself as you work towards achieving your goals.
Some may want to add a new workout routine, read a new book that sparks their interest, actively seek to strengthen healthy relationships, hold true to core values & beliefs even if there is a history of putting others first, or learn to love themselves in the same way they love & respect others.
Remember this, you matter, you are worthy & you are capable of change.
If finding balance has been challenging, you are struggling with the concept of wellness, or looking for direction, do not hesitate to reach out for support.
In 2018, the Parkland Community was greatly impacted; the communities’ cries were heard throughout our Nation. As a result, Professionals United for Parkland was created to identify the short & long-term needs related to mental health & wellbeing.
Many individuals that have experienced trauma or been exposed to trauma are affected in many ways. Some wonder why an image or event that happened in the past continues to have an effect years later. For many the past becomes the present.
Allow August 2021 to be the month that you choose wellness. Let it be the month you become aware of & make choices towards a more productive way of life. Remember, you are not alone.
During the month of July, Professionals United for Parkland remembers Alaina Petty. The WalkUp Foundation’s mission "is to improve the safety and security of our nation’s schools. Educational seminars and workshops will be designed to address three goals: (1) advocating for safer schools; (2) supporting the development of and encouraging the creation of school based programs which enhance school safety; and (3) educating individuals, organizations and lawmakers about the tools available to make schools safer and strengthen the laws to ensure that school district comply with safe school practices." For more information, visit:
PU4P Updates Interested in joining our trauma trained therapists (licensed only) - please take a few moments of your time and join the PU4P referral directory. The MSD community will need services for the long run. PU4P links those in need with a vetted list of trauma therapists. We ask for a commitment of 2 pro-bono clients a year. For more information or questions, please contact Please support PU4P by designating it as your charity with The AmazonSmile Foundation. They will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible purchases. Don't forget to check our Facebook page for the most current events, updates, and information about PU4P! Thank you for your support of PU4P and your dedication to the Parkland community.