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April 2020 Newsletter

We have found ourselves in unchartered waters as we try to find the balance of socially engaging while physically distancing and as we seek to understand the anxiousness we all feel during the pandemic while supporting those who are experiencing their trauma and grief reactions in new, possibly more intense, ways. It is human to experience the state of bittersweet where we feel pained by this situation and for those who have fallen ill or have otherwise been affected, yet we can also focus our sights on the immeasurable acts of bravery of essential workers, the reaching out of family and friends in unprecedented and technological ways, and the pace within physical distancing to reflect on our lives and our surroundings. Some days the balance of the positives will come more naturally. Other times, finding the positives is more of a challenge. When challenged with finding the positives, movement, deep breathing exercises, gratitude exercises, and support by friends, family, online groups, a therapist, or others can help guide us to find the balance we need during such a stressful time. Our Facebook page has many recent posts and resources for assisting mental health clinicians as well as others including talking to children and opportunities for accessing support. Also, our 5K Superhero Race has now gone virtual (more on this below in the Updates section) so join us as we team together to support the Parkland community. 

Please continue to check our Facebook page for updates and let us know if you have any questions or want to help out. We look forward to continuing to serve our community with you.


Program Spotlight 

Martin Duque Honored by 26 Acts of Kindness

From the 26 Acts of Kindness Facebook Page: 

"Today we are honoring Martin Duque Anguiano.

Martin was 14 years old and a student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. He was also a cadet in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School JROTC program.

He was born in Mexico and moved to Florida with his mother, father, and his four siblings. His family described him as a fun loving and outgoing young adult, who at times could be very quiet.

Martin was a lot like any of the other students at school. He enjoyed playing soccer, loved Star Wars, and attended church. He was very proud to be a member of the JROTC program and was very well liked. He earned many awards and ribbons during his time in the JROTC, including: the Medal of Heroism, Perfect Attendance Ribbon, Leadership Development Ribbon, the JROTC Athletic Ribbon, Good Conduct Ribbon, Personal Appearance Ribbon, and the Parade Ribbon.

One of his older brothers, Miguel, posted his picture on his Instagram page and expressed his overwhelming sorrow over the loss of his brother. He has set up a GoFundMe page to help cover funeral expenses, and said that “he was a very funny kid…He was sweet and caring and loved…Most of all he was my brother.”

Today we ask that you perform an act of kindness to honor Martin. Mention his name, and his story, to someone that you meet. Help keep his legacy alive. Consider visiting his families donation page. We also ask that you think about the culture of violence and what steps can be taken to prevent this from happening again."


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